Watch: Elderly man disarms thug to stop shoplifting

Last Update: February 24, 2023, 17:38 IST

Scene of a confrontation between the elderly man and the thief. (Image: Twitter/@robberyfaiIs)

In the clip, a gun-wielding thug can be seen threatening the employees of a store to hand over cash.

An elderly man has become a savior for grocery store workers after fending off an armed thug who was robbed. The CCTV footage of the incident recorded inside the shop has gone viral on social media. In the clip, a gun-wielding man can be seen threatening the store’s staff to take the cash. After pointing a gun at the cash counter, the thug takes aim at an elderly man wearing a cowboy hat. The elderly man quickly removes his glasses and the robber is distracted when a woman approaches from behind.

He quickly pounced on the thief to disarm him. As the gun lowers, the thug resists the elder’s grip to reach for the weapon. But he is easily pushed away, meanwhile, a store employee confiscates the gun. For a moment, the thief and the man in the cowboy hat disappear out of frame. But when the thief reappears he is shirtless this time and is running to escape. One of the store’s employees restrained her to prevent her from exiting. The man’s quick thinking averts the robbery and the whole incident looks like a scene straight out of an action-movie.

Watch the video here:

The clip has been viewed lakhs of times on Twitter with many people applauding the man’s courage. One user wrote, ‘Never draw an old man in a cowboy hat. When he takes off his glasses, you’re screwed.

Another wrote, “Amazing work keep it up.”

Another joined in, “the desperation of removing the glasses.”

Meanwhile, a user warned others not to take the risky step at such times as the consequences could be life-threatening, “It worked, but it’s a very risky and wrong move. Just let the robber steal. He’s on camera. Money can be changed (insurance, police, etc.). But life once gone, it’s gone forever. I am completely safe.”

If the video is to be believed, it appears that the people involved in the scuffle did not suffer any major injuries. However, the details regarding the investigation of the robbery are not yet clear.

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