Watch: Father saves son from furious bull in hair-raising video

Cody hit the hook on the back of the bull and lost consciousness.

A father is being called a hero for saving his 18-year-old son from being trampled by a raging bull. Cody Hook was thrown off the bull’s back shortly after entering the ring at a rodeo in Texas. Footage that was first shared online last month but has recently gone viral shows an 18-year-old lying unconscious on the ground after being thrown from the animal. As the handlers in the ring tried to tame the raging bull, it moved towards the unconscious teenager.

Luckily for Cody, his father was on hand to save him some injury. Landis Hook, 40, threw himself over his son’s body, covered his head and pressed him to the ground as the bull charged towards him. according to this Houston Chronicle, Landis bore the brunt of the bull’s anger. He was hit in the head by a furious animal, but managed to save his son from serious harm.

Hair-raising footage of the moment was shared online by Cody Hooks, who thanked his father and other bullfighters for saving him from a very ugly situation.

Social media users were full of praise for Landis Hook, hailing him for jumping in without a second thought. “A father is ready to lay down his life for his son!” One commenter commented. “Your dad is a legend,” said another.

He was called ‘Dad of the Year’ on Twitter.

Speaking about the incident, Landis Hook said that his mind “goed blank” before taking action. “I just wanted to make sure the sucker didn’t come back and get on top of it the way it was supposed to,” he was quoted as saying daily mail,

He said, “It’s a part of the cowboy life I come from. When someone comes down, you have to help them.” “But I’m glad I was there.”

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