WATCH: Gulab Jamun waffles are the latest fusion dish on the streets; the internet is divided

We have seen our fair share of mind-blowing recipes on the internet, some of them have inspired us while others have left us stunned. Thanks to the creativity of culinary art enthusiasts all over the country, more and more unique fusion dishes are being created day by day. from the madness of Masala Dosa Ice Cream and fire the gol gappas to make them delicious Tandoori Momos And Maggi Manchurian, people have created dishes that are beyond our imagination! Today, we have found another such creation that has the internet divided. East meets west in a food vendor’s latest creation, and it’s called Gulab Jamun Waffles. Don’t believe us? to keep track:

In the video, we see the vendor adding dry fruits to the waffle batter. He then pours the batter into the waffle maker and seals it so that it cooks. Once they are ready, dry fruit waffles are served with a scoop of ice cream and gulab jamun. Not only this, Gulab Jamun waffles are drizzled with chocolate sauce. While we all love Gulab Jamun and waffle As a separate dessert, this unique creation manages to bring a desi twist to the western classic waffles by using gulab jamuns. The video was uploaded by Instagram based food blogger @payaishi_foodie. The video has got 977k views and 59k likes.

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People on the Internet were divided; Some foodies were astonished by this creation and eager to try it, while other foodies classified the dish as another unnecessary invention. Here are some comments:

“Yaar kya ho you guys make me hate waffles” (Do you guys want me to hate waffles?)

“we need to try”

“Video baane ke kuch bhi kardo MTLB” (People do anything to make a video)

“spit on it”

“I have a craving for it now”

What did you think of this Gulab Jamun waffle? Tell us in the comment section below.
