Watch: How people in Bengaluru dance for a free ice cream scoop

Portrait of customers dancing in ice cream parlor.

Ice cream and summer go together like peanut butter and jelly, which is probably why desert lovers around the world celebrate National Ice Cream Day on the third Sunday of July every year.

This year the day was on July 16, and an ice cream shop in Bengaluru celebrated it in such a way that a video of their celebration quickly went viral online.

Corner House, a famous chain of ice cream shops in Bengaluru, decided to give away a free scoop of ice cream to its customers to celebrate Ice Cream Day, but it came with a condition: customers would have to dance in front of CCTV cameras in the ice cream shop.

Ice cream lovers enthusiastically did it and it turned out to be an amazing video. The ice cream shop has shared the video on its Instagram page.

The shop captioned the video, “When our cameras see people dancing for free scoops of ice cream, you know it’s a party! It was an absolutely fabulous Ice Cream Day at our Indiranagar branch. Thank you to everyone who filled our outlet with love and laughter.”

Watch video here:

The video received a lot of appreciation from regular customers and other ice cream lovers.

“I remember accidentally spilling my ice cream right after buying it, and the person gave me a new ice cream for free! I didn’t expect it, but it sure made me happy like a kid! From my college days to my 11-year-old eating ice cream, Corner House has created so many great memories! Go ahead!” One user commented.

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