WATCH: Lassi Meat Popsicles in This Summer-Special Mango Lassi Popsicle Recipe

While we were all looking forward to welcoming summer with pomp, the sweltering heat has us wishing to bring back the winters! We only want something cool that calms our body and our mind. We keep walking in the fridge, feel the coolness of the freezer, or quench our thirst with some cold water. While we may not be sweaty most of the time, these moments of coolness do give us a sigh of relief. Actually, the scorching heat of summer has increased the consumption of cold things like lemonade, kulfi, ice cream and popsicles. In the spirit of enjoying the cool stuff, we come up with a popsicle recipe that is the perfect amalgamation. best taste of summer – Mango Lassi Popsicle!

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The Indian summer is popular for mangoes, lassi and ice cream, and this popsicle serves all three of them in one go! This popsicle really is the best of both worlds, it’s dessert and drink at the same time. The best part is that it is very easy to make; The preparation will take only 10 minutes.

About Mango Lassi Popsicle Recipe: How to Make Mango Popsicle

To make this refreshing dish, you will need mango puree, curd, sugar and salt. If you don’t have mango puree in your house, don’t worry, all you need is ripe mangoes. Simply take out the mango pulp and put it in a mixer jar, beat it until it becomes a soft puree. Next, pour the yogurt into the same jar, and add a pinch of salt along with the sugar. Beat the mango mixture until it becomes a smooth lassi. Now pour the mango lassi in popsicle molds and freeze it overnight. Popsicle is ready!

Watch the step-by-step recipe video for Mango Lassi Popsicle in the header section.

Make this cool summer treat at home and let us know in the comments section how you liked it!