Watch: Leopard hiding deer, monkeys to rescue

It is often said that animals have the same feelings as humans. And, the recent video of a troop of monkeys coming to the rescue of a deer against a leopard in their natural habitat is a testament to the same. The viral video shared on Twitter a few days back will surely blow your mind.

The video begins with a herd of deer feasting on the wild grass in the forest, while a troop of gray langurs are seen in doubt atop a huge tree. The video also shows a herd of elephants at a distance. As it progresses, tourists on what appears to be a jungle safari can be heard alerting the deer of danger with a piercing sound.

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Soon, to everyone’s shock, a leopard jumps off a tree branch to hunt the deer. This causes a ruckus among a herd of deer as well as a troop of gray langurs, who shout and surround the leopard. The monkeys also come to the deer’s rescue as they try to free it from the clutches of the hungry hunter. But even after lakhs of efforts, they failed to save him from the leopard.

The troop flees the site at the end of the viral video as the camera captures its prey tightly between its claws on the carnivore.

Watch the viral video below:

In another video shared with the same Twitter handle, two leopards are seen eating a deer cub. The video begins with a leopard trying to rip off the leg of a live deer. Soon, another leopard joins the deer holding it by its neck as the prey moans in pain.

What was your reaction to the viral video?

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