Watch: Leopard hunts pet dog in Maharashtra

In the latest incident of wild animals hiding in residential areas, a pet dog was attacked by a leopard outside a house in Maharashtra’s Nashik. The incident was caught on a CCTV camera installed near the house and the video was later shared online. In the clip uploaded on Twitter by news agency ANI, a black pet dog is seen sitting on a low wall outside the house.

A few seconds later, the dog is alerted because it sees something at a distance. Suddenly a leopard is seen running towards the dog which jumps off the wall in fear. The dog tries to run away while the leopard remains adamant to catch its prey. After a brief chase, the dog crosses the boundary wall to flee but ends up in the jaws of the leopard. The leopard then grabs the dog in its jaw and leaves.

The chilling incident took place in Nashik’s Mungsare village and prompted the authorities to issue an appeal. Speaking to ANI, Nashik Deputy Conservator of Forests Pankaj Garg urged the people of Mungsare village to stay in their homes at night. He said leopard activity is increasing in the area and asked people to remain alert.

Meanwhile, the video has garnered over 1.1 lakh views on Twitter, while netizens are in awe. Several Twitter users asked why the pet dog was left outside and sympathized with the dog.

This user wondered if the dog was able to free itself from the jaws of the leopard later.

For this user, it was a pure act of nature, even when many people found it cruel.

Earlier, a leopard had hunted a pet dog in Bhuse village of Nashik. The incident was also captured in the CCTV footage in which the feral cat is shown attacking the sleeping dog and leaving the dog in its jaw.

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