WATCH: Little girl’s reaction wins the internet after seeing her favorite doll house

The picture shows the little girl dancing happily as her father brings a doll home.

People all over the world adore children and their cute antics. Their joy and enthusiasm can brighten your mood. A video of a little girl going viral on social media will have the same effect – she is seen dancing happily when her father brings the doll home.

This video has been shared on Instagram by a user named The Safille Squad. “I can’t either,” reads the caption of the post.

The clip shows a man taking out the doll house from the back of the car. When their daughter sees this she screams with excitement and jumps. Pleased with his antics, the man is heard saying, “I felt the whistle in his hands.”

“Can someone give this girl a record deal. She can give Maria and Ariana a run for this money with that whistle note,” reads the super text in the video. According to Instagram, the girl’s name is Ella.

The video has garnered over 10,000 views and over 700 likes. Seeing the little girl’s reaction to getting her favorite doll house, many users have left heartfelt comments.

One user wrote, “I can’t stop looking at this dad’s face every time I meet him!!! He’s so cute.”

Another user wrote, “OMG so funny. She’s so cute.”

At the same time, a third user commented praising the reaction of the girl, “Body tight, high note, cuteness.”

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