Watch: Make These Aloo Bread Patties for Crunchy Tea Time Snack

To say that Indians love tea might be an understatement! Our love for tea compels us to drink several cups of tea in a day. He is not everything; An important part of our tea drinking culture is the breakfast that accompanies it. Breakfast Like samosa, namkeen, pakodas are synonymous with tea time. One of the best ways to unwind after work is to enjoy a nice cup of tea with some crunchy snacks! If you’re looking to experiment with your tea time snack, we have a delicious recipe that fits the bill, the Bread Aloo Patty. This Breakfast Pakora is the perfect combination of samosa and patty. Thanks to the YouTube channel ‘Cook With Parul’, we’ve got the recipe for Bread Aloo Patty.

Read also: 5 Dal Khichdi Recipes You Can Make For A Nutritious And Delicious Meal

About Bread Aloo Patties Recipe: How to Make Bread Aloo Patties at Home

Begin by preparing the besan batter for the patties. Mix besan, carom seeds, red chili powder, turmeric powder, salt, baking powder and water. The batter should be smooth without any lumps.

For stuffing, heat oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds, cumin, asafoetida, curry leaves, chopped ginger, chopped garlic, chopped green chillies, turmeric powder, garam masala and fry till the raw smell goes away. Remove the spices from the flame, add boiled potatoes. Mash the potatoes and mix them in the spices until it gets mixed well.

Now cut the bread in half and spread the masala potato mixture with green chutney. Dip the prepared bread in the batter of gram flour. Deep fry the coated bread in hot oil till the besan becomes crispy and golden. Bread Aloo Patty is ready!

Watch below step by step recipe video of Bread Aloo Patty:

Pair this Masala Bread Aloo Patty with some tea and let us know in the comment section.
