WATCH: New York YouTuber asks strangers to sing along to him. desi man steals the show

Gaurang Rakholia was filmed singing a Hindi song on the streets of New York

An American YouTuber with a guitar waited on a road in New York for a long time and repeatedly requested passersby to sing a vlog with him. An Indian man agreed to his request. Reginald Guillaume welcomes Gaurang Rakholia and decides to sing Kishore Kumar’s famous song Dilbar me for how long will you torment me like this. His video is now going viral with more than 43 lakh views. In the video, we see Guillaume learning the tune in a matter of minutes, and then both are seen incredibly comfortable performing.

Initially, like many others, Gaurang refused to sing, but changed his mind and returned. “Oh, he is coming back. How are you doing,” Guillaume asked Gaurang.

“I only know Hindi (the song),” Gaurang told him, and wondered how the American would sing it with him. Guillaume called it “perfect”, and assured him that it would only take him a few minutes to learn the tune. Gaurang plays the legendary singer of the 1982 film power on power on his mobile phone. Guillaume put on headphones and listened to the song. A few minutes later, he was ready with his guitar. “I like it already,” he said. “Lets do it.”

Watch their performance here:

After singing, Guillaume said “thank youAnd Gaurang replied with a “thank you”. Later, Gaurang commented on the post saying that he was very happy to do so.

“I am really glad that I came back to sing with you! Reggae you are really awesome! I was really in shock when you ‘right’ what you said about knowing only Hindi (songs) replied,” said Gaurang.

“Gaurang – you are trending in India. I love the fact that you reconsidered your decision after moving away and tried it because there is nothing more to spread love through music,” commented Brian Rodrigues Of.

“Gaurang’s quick departure and return touched my heart. And then they surprisingly sang such a beautiful song!” said Winter Bear.

Referring to the best wishes, Shubham Sarin said, “He said”Dhanyawadi‘, Gaurang said ‘thank you’. Now that’s some cultural exchange. “

In the video description, the YouTuber said that his “Sing With Me” series is “about creating musical experiences” that make people happy and free. Guillaume said that he has been making this vlog since 2018.

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