Watch: Passengers filmed pushing airplane off runway

In Nepal, a group of people helped to push a Tara Air plane off the runway.

The unusual sight of a group of people pushing an airplane off the runway is going viral on social media. Passengers were filmed pushing a Tara Air plane at an airport in Nepal on Wednesday. According to Nepal NewsWhile landing at the Bajura airport in Kolti, the plane’s rear tire burst due to which it was unable to take off from the runway.

Meanwhile, another aircraft was unable to fly overhead because the taxiway was blocked by a parked aircraft. Noticing this, passengers at the airport joined the security personnel in pushing the plane off the runway.

The footage shows a group of about 20 people working together to clear the airplane from the runway. “Only in Nepal,” wrote a Twitter user while sharing the video on the microblogging platform, where it has garnered thousands of views and reactions.

Tara Air is the sister company of Yeti Airlines. Yeti Airlines spokesperson Surendra Bartaula said Himal Communications That Tara Air 9N-AVE aircraft had landed at Bajura airport from Simkot in the attack. However, after its tire burst, another plane was flying overhead, which was unable to land. With no infrastructure to pull the airplane to the other side, passengers joined with airport officials to move the plane so that flight operations could resume.

The second aircraft was able to land safely after the Tara Air plane successfully out of the way. After some time the punctured tire of the aircraft was also replaced.

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