WATCH: Popular American blogger discovers and loves Indore’s street food…

It is no wonder that people all over the world want to try Indian street food. Our cuisine has made a great impression on those who have eaten it and those who haven’t, now want to try it. But what better way to have authentic food than to visit the place and have it there? That’s what a popular American blogger did in his search for authentic Indian food. After visiting Delhi, Max McFarlin reached Indore, which is also famous for its street food.

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As soon as Max McFarlin landed in Indore, he went straight to the famous Safra Bazaar and tried dahi bhalla From the shop ‘Joshi Dahi Vada House’. The blogger already knew about this place as he had seen the video of the vendor blowing the chaat in the air while making it. He decided to experience the magic in person, but not without giving Chaat a try. He found the curd a bit heavy for his stomach but still liked the dish very much.

Read also: Indore street vendor creates ‘Flying Dahi Vada’ after ‘Flying Dosa’

There were comments like this on the video:

“Thank you very much I asked you to come to Indore 2 days back and you came.”
“I love Indori Poha with Jeera a spice. Tasty and full of flavor as a substitute for chaat.”
“This is going to be very exciting! I love Indore food.”
“You must come to eat our special Poha Jalebi at Ravi Alpahar in Indore.”
“Hey Max those of you still in Indore try Chappan Food Street… you will never forget the taste of what you eat.”

Read also: Korean blogger came to India to enjoy this desi drink, video went viral

Max McFarlin posted another video, in which he is seen drinking the famous Indori tea. He also tried saffron tea by adding saffron powder to his cup of tea. He also wanted to try Indori Jalebi but was told that it would be available the next morning at 9 am.

Here are some of the comments left by viewers:

“This is the only tea that is available all over India.”
“Yaar if you are still in Indore I would recommend not to miss these places – Vijay Chaat House Aloo Patties and Green Peas Patties, Johnny Hotdog, Lal Balti Kachori, Anna Ka Pohe at Rajwada, Prashant Usal Pohe at Jail Road , nema kulfi sarrafa. And the list goes on, though definitely shouldn’t be skipped.”

See also: Japanese grandmother tastes Indian food for the first time and loves it

Have you tried Indori food? what did you like the most?

About Neha GroverThe love of reading awakened his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of a deep set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she’s not pouring her thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on a cup of coffee.