Watch: Special mother-son reunion leaves the internet emotional

A user said, “Mother is blessed and son is an angel.”

Sons share a very special bond with their mothers. They share a deep bond and nothing comes close to it. For any help and protection, mothers rely on the son first. An adorable video of a Kerala man meeting his mother after a gap of five years is going viral on the internet.

The video has been shared by Official Humans of Kerala on Instagram. Rojan Parambil, a native of Kerala who had spent five years in Switzerland, was distressed to see his mother’s deteriorating health on his return to India. In the video, Mr. Parambil takes his mother in the car to show her around Athirumpuzha, which is also his hometown. Another woman is seen offering him a cup of tea which he happily drinks. The mother-son duo also takes selfies and enjoys the time together.

“Years ago, I took Ammachi to Switzerland and showed her around Europe. She was overjoyed to see new places. But I could go to India only about 5 years after that because of Covid. My heart broke when I saw Ammachi. broke down. She looked very old – more white hair than ever – and frail. She couldn’t stand or walk properly. She told me she hadn’t even gone to church in years! I decided to take her out ,” the page wrote along with the video from Mr Parambil.

“I work in an old age home in Switzerland. So, with that experience, I bathed her, got my sisters to dress her, and decided to take her out in my car. All told it wasn’t the best idea.” . I went ahead anyway! I lifted her on my shoulders and put her in the car and we went to Athirumpuzha, her hometown about 20 km away. She couldn’t remember many places, but still it made her happy. I Send the video to my siblings living in different places across the globe. They were all worried for Ammachi but still happy to see her. I also once took her to see ‘Neelakurinji’ in bloom. Travel She was tired and sick afterwards but excited to finally see what she always wanted,” he added.

Since being shared, the video has garnered over 5.7 lakh views and 72,000 likes.

A user said, “Mother is blessed and son is an angel.”

Another person said, “Couldn’t hold back my tears seeing this.”

Another user said, “I wish I could take my grandma on a flight before she passed away. I miss her everyday. You are the best thing she could have asked for.”

One person said, “A mother cannot be replaced. Every moment spent with her should be cherished. Only memories will remain afterwards. I think it was wonderful that you took her.”

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