WATCH: This Bear Having Fun With A Group Of Kids Will Make Your Day

The kids and the bear were seen enjoying each other’s company to the fullest.

Bears are generally calm and fun animals, but they usually keep it to themselves. Although reports of grizzly bears, which are found in North America, attacking or aggressive with human presence are rare, it is still advisable to keep a safe distance from them. Sometimes these bears entertain human presence. When they do it is a sight to behold. And, it’s fun to watch. Recently, a video surfaced on social media, in which a brown bear was seen playing with children at the St. Louis Zoo in Missouri, USA.

Since the bear was behind a glass enclosure half filled with water, there was no danger of an attack. The kids and the bear were seen enjoying each other’s company to the fullest.

The video quickly garnered over 10,000 views within an hour of being shared. Many people have expressed their excitement after seeing the giant bear imitating the children and playing with them.

“So cute. I have never seen a bear do this,” said one user.

Another said, “This “baby” is so cute”.

“Children’s magic,” said a third.

Some said officials should “free the bears” in their natural habitat.

“Awesome”, read one of the responses.

In some parts of the US, bears are seen surprisingly often. Sometimes these animals also come to human habitation and take a walk on the road. Last month, a Video A bear has surfaced on social media showing a bear walking down a street in the city of Asheville, North Carolina. The people of the area were stunned to see this. Later the bear also climbed a neighboring tree.

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