Watch: This video of a woman failing in archery, hitting her head with arrows is hilarious

Last Update: 21 October 2022, 17:25 IST

The video has been viewed over a million (1 million) times on Instagram.

A video of a woman trying out archery but shooting an arrow in her face has gone viral on Instagram.

Funny videos are often part of people’s everyday online content consumption. They exist in bulk and each video gets a lot of traction. One simple reason for this is that videos are fun to watch. Funny videos of people falling, banging their heads, or trying to do something but failing miserably bring great joy to everyone on the internet. One such video of a woman trying to archery but shooting arrows in her face has gone viral on Instagram.

Shared by hilarious content page “FailArmy”, the video was captioned, “The “Brave” sequel is a little *too* real…”. The footage shows a woman trying out archery. But when she tries to shoot arrows, it doesn’t work. She then tries to stop the bow and arrow and holds the bow in such a position that the arrow misses and hits her face directly.

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The video has been viewed over a million (1 million) times on Instagram. It has also received more than 66.8 thousand likes on social media platforms. In the comment section, people liked to taunt him in different ways.

One user suggested keeping firearms away and wrote – “Well, it’s better to keep firearms away from him.”

Another user commented, “Well technically it was a bullseye.”

A third user referred to the classic old cartoon “Road Runner” and wrote – “Reminds of the Coyote and the Road Runner.”

While most people found it extremely funny, others thought it was staged and not an actual “failure” at all. One user said- “It was completely planned. This is not a laughing matter. Not a tiny bit.”

One user also gave safety instructions and wrote, “Always assume the weapon is loaded and never look down at the mechanism… a security briefing would have helped here…”

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