WATCH: US Man Bungee Jumps For Donut From 198 Feet; sets the record

The internet is full of videos of people making daring efforts and setting world records. From time to time, we come across videos of people eating huge amounts of food in seconds, or the world’s hottest chili. One such daring endeavor recently caught our attention. It depicts a man jumping from a great height just for a piece of donut (or donut). You heard us Guinness World Records recently uploaded a video on its official Instagram handle, in which a man named Ron Jones is seen jumping a bungee from a height of 198 feet to dip a donut into a cup of coffee. “Highest Dunk of Donut (Bungee Jumping) by Ron Jones US at 60.553 m (198 ft 8 in),” the caption of the video read. to keep track:

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The post further read, “A donut was dipped into a coffee cup just 8.89 cm (3.5 in) in diameter in the 2013 US TV show Guinness World Records Unleashed.” It said, “The current record for the highest bungee dunk is 73.41 m (240 ft 10 in) by Simon Berry (UK), who dunked a biscuit in a cup of tea in 2016.”

In the video, we can see the man jumping off a suspended platform. And before we can understand anything, he dives in with a a doughnut in hand and dips into a cup coffee, The video has taken the internet by storm and garnered nearly 66k likes and hundreds of comments.

“Imagine how confidently this guy dunks his donuts into normal life,” read one comment. Another person commented, “He took Dunkin’ Donuts to a whole other level.” A third comment read, “So glad it’s done.”

What are your thoughts on this stunt? Do let us know in the comments below.

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In the matter of food, people or places, she only wants to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-rice and a good movie can make his day.