Watch Video: Shot Momos? A college girl sells momos in a unique way

We cannot deny that the word momo elevates our craving levels. Soft and juicy fritters are served with spicy red chutney. Over time, this street food has become very popular in India due to its light, juicy, tangy and filling properties, and wherever you go in India, you can easily find small momo outlets. This time we have brought a video of a momo seller which is going viral on social media.

The video has been posted by thehugrysurati on Instagram, where he calls these unique momos as ‘shot momos’. In the video, a college girl is seen selling momos in a different way. In the video, you can see that the girl keeps hot momos in a plate. Momos are not made in regular shape but they are open from above and have 4 sections. It is specially made to pour 4 different momo dips prepared by the girl. After this she puts green chutney, red chutney, tomato chutney and mayonnaise on the momos.

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Instagram user (thehugrysurati) captioned the video, “A collage girl selling yummy shot momos. Have you ever tried it?”

Many users appreciated the girl for maintaining cleanliness while cooking and serving momos. One user commented, ‘Finally hygiene street food in India, great work.’ Another user commented, “Most importantly she enjoys cooking momos for people and ends up smiling when she serves them to the customer.”

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Another user wished her luck and also shared her concern about her business, writing, “Good luck girls but serving momos with different sauces and chutneys takes a lot of time, I think How will she manage the crowd. And how will her business flourish.”

What do you think about this unique way of selling momos? Give you feedback in the comment section.