Watch: Woman makes chocolate paratha with ice cream, internet divided

Paratha is one of the most preferred breakfast options in North India. These flatbreads are typically made from wheat flour and stuffed with a delicious filling. A soft and puffed paratha, topped with a dollop of butter and served with curd and pickle, is a combination that defines comfort for most of us. However, due to its versatility, foodies often experiment with it in unique ways. Recently, in a video which is doing the rounds on the internet, a woman can be seen making chocolate paratha with vanilla ice cream, and it has left the internet divided.

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In a video uploaded by Instagram user @chieffoodieofficer, we can see a woman making a chocolate paratha with vanilla ice cream. The video begins with a woman applying ghee to the dough and stuffing chocolate chips before making parathas. Then she applies butter on the paratha on the pan. Once done, she tops it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of chocolate syrup. Take a look at the video here:

Ever since the video was uploaded, it has garnered 193K views, 3.9K likes and many comments. Many people were keen to try this unique food combination while others were simply disappointed. Take a look at some of the comments below:

“Only you can come up with such unique combinations! I will definitely try it and let you know.”

“RIP Paratha.”

“I’ll definitely try.”

“Anything in the name of innovation (anything in the name of innovation)”

“Please stop.”

What did you think of this Chocolate Paratha? Let us know in the comments below!