We are ready to sing in Bollywood: The Yellow Diaries

The Yellow Diaries band members are (clockwise) Rajan Batra (lyricist and lead vocalist), Stuart DaCosta (bass), Harshvardhan Gadhvi (guitarist), Sahil Shah (drummer) and Himanshu Parikh (producer, keyboardist and backing vocalist). Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Yellow Diary Latest Song me by my name Reflects feelings of being in a rush to prove oneself spiritually. The pictorial representation of a boy who goes on to fulfill his dream of flying a rocket despite being put down by others is probably a relevant sentiment for many young people.

Most of the songs created by Mumbai-based band, The Yellow Diaries, play on this ‘identification’ factor. Five professionals from completely different backgrounds came together in 2015 and over the years they have compiled a catalog of songs close to people’s hearts. The band has found its fan base among the youth of India.

“In 2015, Rajan (Batra) and I met through a common friend, and we started working on our first song ‘Marz’. After releasing the song, we decided to collaborate full-time, and asked Sahil (Shah), Stuart (Dacosta) and Harshvardhan (Gadhvi), who were already our friends, to join us. And today here we are!”, says Himanshu Parikh, one of the band members.

The excitement of a new release has not diminished for the team. Rajan says, “It feels like we’re releasing our first song,” and adds, “The purpose of writing me by my name My point was never to feel demotivated”. “It happens to each of us sometime in life – we want to do something and are convinced to do it, but there is always someone who discourages. And in the end, your determination is what drives you forward and You are able to show others what you are capable of; and you achieve what you set out for,” he says.

The name ‘The Yellow Diaries’ refers to the band’s way of writing songs. The lyrics are essentially a translation of his thoughts and visions, travels and experiences, which were once written in his diaries. Himanshu explains that the color yellow symbolizes a spectrum of emotions from joy and mystery to dread.

Coming from diverse backgrounds – Himanshu an engineer, Rajan, a Navy cadet, Vaibhav, an IT consultant, Sahil, a businessman, and Stuart, an account executive – each member brings their own personality to the creative process. “Our creative processes complement each other. We get different perspectives on a common idea”, says Rajan.

How do they feel and cope with their current popularity and fame? Himanshu says, “All five of us are connected to the land. We never forget where we came from.”

When not making music, Stuart is usually seen playing basketball while Hersh teaches music. Himanshu composes music for other people. “There is a certain space that allows us to re-establish ourselves so that our thoughts are not stagnant. When we find and express ourselves through music, it is the most satisfying experience; it gives us joy.” and gives peace of mind,” says Rajan.

Rajan jokes, “The early morning flights are the only part we dread about the live shows altogether.” The boys enjoy the thrill of performing live; Recording in the studio gives them a light and positive feel about what they are doing.

The band is open to new opportunities that come their way, including Bollywood music and even singing in other languages, as long as it matches their aesthetics and sensibilities.