We love homemade ice cream and we love this coconut ice cream recipe

What do you want most in summer? The answer is obvious – it’s ice cream. The frozen sweet delight cools our body and senses. But if you want to avoid the preservative-laden ice cream packs you get from the market, make your own ice cream and add a dash of health with this coconut ice cream recipe. Homemade Coconut Ice Cream brings together the rich, velvety goodness of coconut milk with just a touch of sweetness that will transport you to a tropical vacation. With just a desiccated coconut and a few simple ingredients and a little bit of time, you can whip up a batch of luscious homemade ice cream that tastes better than the store-bought packs.
If you like the unique taste of coconut, try Homemade Coconut ice cream A refreshing and satisfying treat that will keep you coming back for more. So get your apron on, gather your ingredients, and get ready to enjoy creamy bliss.
Read also: 8 Tips for Storing and Scooping Ice Cream Like a Pro

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Is Coconut Ice Cream Healthy?

than regular ice creamCoconut ice cream adds to the various nutritional benefits of coconut. It hydrates you, provides minerals like potassium and boosts your immunity. But ice cream made from coconut is not exactly a healthy dessert, you can just consider it healthier.

Is Coconut Ice Cream Better for You Than Regular Ice Cream?

Although both coconut ice cream and regular ice cream They are high in calories and saturated fat but the fats in coconut milk are healthier than the fats in dairy and cream. In addition, coconut ice cream usually has less cholesterol than regular ice cream. Regular ice cream often contains higher levels of cholesterol due to the use of dairy products, while coconut ice cream, being plant-based, is lower in cholesterol levels.
However, it’s worth noting that coconut ice cream is still high in fat and sugar and moderation is the key to consuming it.
Read also: 5 Delicious Easy Fruit Ice Creams to Try This Summer


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What is coconut ice cream made of?

Most coconut ice cream is a combination of coconut cream and milk, sweetened with sugar. This recipe, shared by chef Ananya Banerjee on her YouTube channel, also adds coconut water to make it more hydrating and whipping cream and condensed milk to make it creamier.

How To Make Coconut Ice Cream At Home | Homemade Coconut Ice Cream Recipe:

Take a softened coconut, scoop out the coconut pulp and cut into pieces. Put the coconut pieces in a mixer jar, add whipping cream, coconut water that came from the coconut, powdered sugar, some coconut milk and some condensed milk. Blend well and pour the cream into ice cream trays or molds. Sprinkle some small coconut pieces on top to add crunch. Wrap the tray with cling wrap so that air bubbles do not form. Place in the freezer to set for about 7 hours or overnight.
When you take out the tray, remove the cling wrap and scoop out the ice cream. You can serve these in coconut balls or in any ice cream bowl.
Watch the Full Recipe Video of Coconut Ice Cream Here:

About Neha GroverThe love of reading awakened his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of a deep set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she’s not pouring her thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on a cup of coffee.