Week-19 investigations examined:

Corona infection was faced more than 100.


World Health Organization (WHO) On August 27, when the meeting of December 27, Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Vax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax Wax’ New direction of corona pox has been given to Omicron (Omicron). Being affected by the effect of bacteria, the monthly effect on December 27 at the level of increase in the effect of bacteria is affected as well as a change in the condition of being affected as well as a change in the condition of being affected could. Enter.

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