Weekend Special: 5 Delicious Baked Chicken Recipes That’ll Bring Life to Your Meal

A good chicken dish always makes us happy! Whether you want to eat creamy butter chicken or crunchy burnt chicken tikka- chicken dish is always loved by people. Since the weekend is here, we bring you some delicious baked chicken recipes that you can easily make at home! Why cooked dishes, you ask? Well, these cooked dishes are not only healthy but also hassle free. To make these, you don’t need big utensils or ingredients. All you have to do is marinate your chicken with the right ingredients and put them in the oven to cook. Till then, you can sit back and enjoy the cooking of your dish! So, without waiting, let us check out the delicious Baked Chicken Recipes that you can make for weekend enjoyment.

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Here are 5 Baked Chicken Recipes That Will Bring Your Meal To Life. Easy Baked Chicken Recipe

1. Peri-Peri Chicken

This recipe is the mantra of enjoyment. In this dish, chicken pieces are first marinated in a spicy sauce and then cooked to perfection. You can easily make this dish anytime and enjoy it with your friends and family. Pair it with any creamy dip for maximum enjoyment.

2. Chicken Pepper

Another spicy and saliva-worthy dish that you must try. This recipe requires only a few ingredients and will leave your taste buds mesmerized. Pair it with a light dip to balance out the flavor of the chicken.

3. Chicken Wings

Who doesn’t love crunchy chicken wings? And if it’s tossed into a delicious sauce, it’s even better! If you love that taste too, then definitely try these Baked Chicken Wings. They are easy to make and easy to eat.


4. Honey Mustard Chicken

In this dish, first, cut the chicken breast into small pieces and marinate it in a tangy mustard sauce with sweet honey, which is finely chopped. Let it absorb all the flavors, then bake it for about 20 minutes.

5. Spicy Bake Chicken

Looking for something spicy? This dish is just what you need. In this recipe, mix various spices with oil and some vegetables. Then bake it in the oven until crispy. Pair it with dip and enjoy.


Make these delicious Baked Chicken Recipes, and let us know which one you like best.
