Weekend Special: 5 Eggless Desserts to Satisfy Your Sweet Craving

The weekend is all about indulging in our cravings and deep food cravings! If you have a sweet tooth like us, your weekend should be all about digging into the desserts. Cakes, ice creams, mousses, cheesecakes – just the thought of these delicious delicacies makes us swoon. However, if you are a vegetarian, your options become limited. Most dessert recipes contain eggs, and not everyone consumes eggs. But that shouldn’t stop anyone from indulging in the sweet treat. That’s why we’ve got recipes for classic desserts that come with a twist; You don’t need eggs to prepare these recipes.

Read also: 5 Mughlai Curries Every Vegetarian Will Love

Here are 5 eggless dessert recipes:

1. Chocolate Mousse – Our Recommendation

Creamy, smooth and delicious – mousse is the kind of dessert almost everyone enjoys digging into! If you are a chocolate lover, you will definitely enjoy this dessert. There are no eggs in this chocolate mousse recipe, so you can have it whenever you want.

Click here for the full recipe for Chocolate Mousse.

2. Banana Cake

Creamy banana flavor mixed with nutty nuttiness and a hint of cinnamon; Banana cake is a delicious sweet delight. You can enjoy banana cake as a tea time snack or as a dessert. The best part is that it is egg-free.

Click here for the full Banana Cake recipe.

3. Vanilla Cake

Simple, delicious and delicious – can never go wrong with Vanilla Cake! Wrap the cake with frosting and sprinkle sprinkles on top, you’ll enjoy a creamy and delicious cake at home. This vanilla cake doesn’t require eggs.

Click here for the full Vanilla Cake recipe.

4. Ice Cream Sunday

Probably one of the easiest desserts you can whip up at home. Layers of ice cream, chocolate sauce, biscuits and cake make for a delicious indulgence for the weekend. You can also add toppings of your choice.

Click here for the full recipe for Ice Cream Sunday.

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5. Marble Cake

As the name suggests, this decadent cake actually looks like marble! Swirls of vanilla and chocolate provide a delicious balance of flavors, making this fluffy and soft cake delicious.

Click here for the full Marble Cake recipe.

Try these delicious desserts this weekend and let us know which one is your favorite in the comments section below!