Weight Loss Diet: Protein Rich Ragi and Dal Sprouts Recipe Ideal for a Healthy Meal

The only obstacle in the way of following a healthy diet is our desire to have delicious food. Only if all those indulgent foods were healthy too! Though it is not possible, we can always go the opposite and make healthy food tastier. Now the concern arises that how to do this? We have a recipe for you that gives you a delicious meal packed with colours, crunch and flavours. This Ragi and Dal Sprouts Cheela had everything you need for a satiating meal – full of good taste and health.

You must have often heard that food of different colors is always best. This Protein rich cheela It adds various low-calorie vegetables and gets protein from ragi flour and sprouts. Don’t let the long list of ingredients discourage you. Once you have gathered them all, it is easy to make this cheela.
This recipe has been shared by dietician Natasha Mohan on her Instagram page and it looks very tempting. Now let’s see how it is made.

(Also read: 5 Unique Cheela Recipes To Add Fun And Flavor To Your Breakfast,

Protein Rich Ragi and Sprouts Cheela Recipe I How to make Instant Ragi Cheela:

Take a bowl of ragi and mix water in it to make a smooth batter. Add chopped onion, carrot, capsicum and chopped cabbage to it. Also add finely chopped French beans, green chilies, fresh coriander and sprouted moong dal. Season it with salt and pepper. Grease a non-stick pan lightly and pour a spoonful of batter and put it to cook from both the sides. Your healthy cheela is ready.
You can watch the complete recipe video of Ragi and Sprouts Cheela here:

(Also read: Make Delicious Cheela With Your Leftover Rotis – Recipe Video,

Once you’ve chopped up your vegetables, this cheela can be made in just five minutes, giving you a delicious and healthy meal for your successful weight loss diet.

About Neha GroverThe love of reading sparked his writing instincts. Neha is guilty of being deep-set with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring her nest of thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading as she sips coffee.