Weight Loss: Fad Diets – Yes Or No? See expert advice on how to lose weight

The fact is, most individuals want to lose weight as quickly as possible, and we live in a culture where fast gratification and immediate results are expected. Fad diets are fad diets that promise significant weight loss in a short period of time. They are increasingly popular among the younger generation, who are looking for a quick fix to lose weight and meet society’s beauty standards. These diet foods have gained immense popularity as a result of the fact that some celebrities swear by them. A fad diet can be a short-term, quick approach to losing weight, but doing it over and over again can actually lead to weight gain.

Weight loss can be achieved by following any diet in which you consume fewer calories than you burn. Some other tempting reasons people choose fad diets is that nowadays people want to lose weight as quickly as possible with as little effort as possible and with the precision that fad diets promise. Fad diets include simple foods that are easy to obtain, do not involve complicated recipes, and are simple enough to be followed by anyone. Most fad diets include a variety of food and dishes that are really tasty, satisfy a person’s taste buds and also help in weight loss.

Most fad diets work by limiting your overall calorie consumption. This often entails eliminating entire food categories, which can result in a nutritionally unbalanced diet. In order to lose weight, you have to make sure that you are not consuming excessive amounts of energy. Fad diets limit the consumption of protein and also dehydrate the human body. As a result, not only will people be underweight, but they can also become quite unhealthy.

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Some pointers to help you stay on track:

Start a daily food journal to keep track of what you eat and help you make better food choices.

Plan and prepare meals — including snacks — every day to avoid reaching for junk food when you’re hungry.

Start the day with a hearty breakfast.

Fill half of your plate with vegetables/salads and fill the other half with proteins and carbohydrates.

Instead of frying or roasting, try boiling, steaming, grilling, poaching or microwaving your food.

It is best to exercise at least 30 minutes every day.

In between you can have any favorite snack for yourself.

It is better not to skip meals as you will feel tired, hungry and probably have a headache.

It is better to limit the consumption of alcohol as it contains a lot of calories.

Finally, remember to seek medical advice before starting the diet if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or other medical concerns.

Being a part of a trend almost one can try to follow it, but one should always remember that food is absolutely necessary for the human body to function, and eating right is essential for a healthy lifestyle . Consult your nutritionist before starting any weight loss program. They can go over any medical conditions or medications you may be taking that may be affecting your weight and recommend a program for you.

(Dr. Soumita Biswas, Chief Nutritionist, Aster RV Hospital)