Weight loss: These lifestyle changes can help you lose kilos fast

The internet is full of hacks to lose weight but nothing really works if you do not follow a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise. Apart from heavy workouts and a dedicated diet, your routine also plays an important role in losing weight. And making a few lifestyle swaps can ease the process. Ayurveda expert Dr Diksa Bhavsar recently shared a post via her Instagram handle, suggesting some options that can be a “real game-changer” for sustainable weight loss.

Let us take a look at the changes suggested by Dr. Bhavsar.

white sugar with jaggery

According to him, white sugar is just empty calories so it is wise to replace it with nutrient-rich jaggery.

replace cold water with hot water

We have often heard from our elders that drinking hot water helps in keeping the digestive fire ignited and optimal. Hot water also improves metabolism and is easier to digest than cold water.

At least 5000 steps without any movement

Staying active is probably the best way to keep your body active. Experts suggest that individuals should walk 5,000-10,000 steps on a daily basis.

Fruit juice with raw fruits

Fruit juice lacks fiber because it is the only fluid you consume. However, when you eat your fruits raw, you get all the nutrients you need for a healthy body.

From skipping lunch to never skipping lunch

Never skip lunch and it is important that you do it between 10 am and 2 pm as this is the best time to have a moderate or heavy meal. Ideally, you should not skip any meal of the day.

Heavy Dinner with Light Dinner

After sunset, the expert said that the metabolism slows down, so the dinner should be light and should be taken before 8 pm.

Ignoring sleep with proper sleep

Your liver detoxifies while you sleep. Therefore, not getting enough sleep can only delay weight loss. Dr. Bhavskar advised that if people want to lose weight fast, then sleep before 10 pm.

sedentary life with daily exercise

Exercise is important for sustainable weight loss. It is not mandatory that you have to go to the gym. Choose what works for you – walking, yoga, jogging, cycling, gym or swimming.

The Ayurvedic expert said that these lifestyle changes will ensure that you do not gain weight over time.

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