Weightlifter Mirabai Chanu for Miss World Championship and Commonwealth Senior Championship. weightlifting news

Olympic silver medalist weightlifter Mirabai Chanu will be ruled out of the World Championships and Commonwealth Senior Championships to be held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan from December 7-17. Chanu, who won a silver medal in the women’s 49kg category at the Tokyo Olympics earlier this year and is also a former world champion, withdrew from two events on the advice of India’s head coach Vijay Sharma. “Our main objective (for the World Championships and Commonwealth Senior Championships) is to make the weightlifters qualify for the Commonwealth Games next year,” Sharma said.

He said, ‘We had sent Meera’s entry but her performance is not good yet. We are working on his snatch technique a bit.

“His qualification (for CWG) is not an issue as he won the silver medal in the Olympics and he is also number one at the moment,” he added.

The Commonwealth Senior Championships was earlier scheduled to take place in Singapore from October 20 to 24, but was canceled due to COVID-19. It will now take place at the same venue along with the World Championships next month.

Twenty lifters from across the country, including Youth Olympic gold medalist Jeremy Lalrinnunga, will take part in the tournament. Chanu, who set a world record in the clean and jerk event in the 49kg category after successfully lifting 119kg at the Asian Championships last year, has struggled to keep up with her Chinese opponents in the snatch category.

In her own words, the 27-year-old has struggled when lifting weights in the snatch due to an imbalance affecting her right shoulder and back. Chanu also consulted Dr. Aaron Horschig, a former weightlifter-turned-physical therapist and strength and conditioning coach in the US, which helped him win the silver medal in Tokyo.

Asked if Chanu was planning to go back to the US for training, Sharma said, “There is no need for it right now.”

Sharma said the decision to pull out of the World Championships is a strategic one.

“He is not facing any problem, but it is just that we are thinking strategically about which events to attend and which to miss.

“She has been participating in competitions continuously for the last five years. We have prepared but it is not enough for this event.

“He had to carry extra weight for this event so I advised him to miss it,” he said.

However, in an interview to PTI last month, Chanu had revealed that he sometimes feels pain even while lifting heavy weights.

“The issue gets resolved, but sometimes I have pain in my right shoulder and back due to imbalance. But there has been a lot of improvement,” he said.


“There are no plans to go to the US right now because the World Championship is in December. After that we will probably plan. I am consulting him (Horsig) online on what to do.”

Asian Championship gold-medallist Membrane Dalbehera, who previously competed in the 45kg category, will represent India in the Chanu category at the event.

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