West Bengal will start vaccination campaign for 12-14 year olds from March 21. Kolkata News – Times of India

Kolkata : Government of West Bengal An official said the vaccination campaign for children in the age group of 12-14 years would be started from March 21, though the program was launched across the country on Wednesday.
There was a delay in starting the vaccination campaign for children in the state because “the administration got the standard operating procedure from the Center late”, he said.
A state government notification on Thursday said beneficiaries will be given only Corbevax and can book their slots online, though the facility of on-site registration will also be available.
“(The) covid-19 vaccination The notification issued by the state health department said that for children in the age group of 12-14 years will start from March 21. Only the Corbevax vaccine will be used for the beneficiaries.
The department asked vaccinators to ensure that the vaccine is “given only to children who have completed 12 years of age on the date of vaccination”.
“Corbevax will be administered from government immunization centers only. Two doses will be given at an interval of 28 days,” the notification said.
Dedicated immunization centers will be set up to cover children under the immunization drive.
It said that Covid vaccination centers may be set up in the school premises following all safety norms.
The health department also said that now all people above 60 years of age will be provided with a precautionary dose.
West Bengal on Thursday reported 94 fresh covid-19 caseThe health department said 29 more than the previous day, with the tally rising to 20,16,675.
The death toll rose to 21,192 as one more person succumbed to the disease.
At least 132 more people have recovered from the disease since March 17, taking the total number of recoveries to 19,94,314, a health department bulletin said on Thursday.
West Bengal now has 1,169 active cases.
At least 18,478 samples have been tested since Wednesday, taking the total number of such diagnostic tests to 24,563,360.