What are back pimples? Here’s how you can get rid of them

Almost everyone faces the problem of pimples at some point in their life. From men to women, everyone gets pimples. The problem starts in adolescence but persists for a long time. Pimples can be seen not only on the face but also on the shoulders, back, chest and neck. When dead skin cells clog our pores, they give rise to pimples. Pimples are also caused by sebum and propionibacterium in the body. In many individuals, they are caused by changes in hormones and the consumption of certain drugs and comedogenic products.

Many people struggle with the problem of pimples on the back and shoulders. These pimples can happen due to many reasons. According to a report in Healthline, wearing tight or uncomfortable clothing, backpacks and even purse straps can lead to pimples on a person’s back or shoulders.

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Some people also have to face the problem of pimples due to genetic reasons. It is believed that acne is caused by poor hygiene and dirty skin. Excessive production of sebum in the body and dead skin cells clog the pores of the skin. These clogged pores cause pimples.

Check out some home remedies to cure acne:

1. Tea Tree Oil

If you often face the problem of pimples, then use skincare products made from tea tree oil and aloe vera. Along with tea tree oil, aloe vera is more effective than antibiotics to reduce pimples.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps eliminate the bacteria responsible for pimples. However, direct use of apple cider vinegar can sometimes cause itching or burning of the skin. Therefore, you should mix one quart apple cider vinegar with three quarts water for best results.

3. Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal contains soothing and anti-inflammatory agents. It is good for dry, irritated or rough skin. Oatmeal bath is good for eliminating pimples on shoulders and back.

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