What are cluster headaches? Know its causes, symptoms and prevention

Cluster headaches are a group of headache disorders, and are the most frequently occurring headache syndromes known as trigeminal autonomic cephalgias. The phrase “cluster headache” refers to how these episodes occur in groups, or ‘clusters’. During the cluster cycle, short but brutally painful headache episodes may occur 1-8 times daily. Cluster cycles can last for weeks or months and are usually accompanied by periods of remission, or periods without headaches, which can last for months or years.

Signs and symptoms

These are some of the most common symptoms of cluster headaches:

  • pain that appears suddenly, usually around or behind the eyes
  • The pain reaches its peak in about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • agitation or restlessness
  • eyes that are red or watery
  • nasal congestion
  • sweat on forehead
  • droopy or swollen eyelids

Cluster headache symptoms can be similar to those of other medical conditions. Consult your doctor for diagnosis if you feel that your condition is not good.


Doctors are unsure what causes cluster headaches. But, it appears to be associated with the body’s sudden production and secretion of histamine (a chemical produced during an allergic reaction in the body) or serotonin (a chemical produced by nerve cells) in the area of ​​the trigeminal nerve in the face. A problem in the hypothalamus, a small area near the base of the brain, may be at the root of the problem. Some reports suggest that men are more affected than women. Headaches can affect anyone at any age but occur most often between the ages of 20 and 40. They usually run in families.

triggering factors

Cluster headaches can be triggered by:

  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking of cigarettes
  • High altitude (trekking and air travel)
  • too much light (including sunlight)
  • exercise (physical activity)
  • heat (hot shower or extreme weather)
  • Nitrite-rich foods (bacon and preserved meats)

certain medicines

synthetic drugs

natural care

Since the causes of cluster headaches are uncertain, there are no established lifestyle interventions to avoid them. However, the following tips may help reduce your chances of experiencing cluster headaches.

abstaining from alcohol: When a headache occurs, abstaining from alcohol may help reduce headache episodes.

avoiding certain drugsNitroglycerin, when inhaled, causes blood vessels to dilate or widen, and has been linked to headache cluster episodes, according to the findings of a study from the National Library of Medicine.

Exercising in hot temperatures should be avoided: This can result in cluster headache.

maintaining normal body temperature: For susceptible people, a rapid rise in body temperature can lead to a headache.

quit or avoid smoking: Compared to the general population, smokers account for a greater percentage of cluster headache sufferers. Although it has not been proven, quitting smoking can be beneficial.

maintain a consistent sleep scheduleChanges in sleep rhythm have been linked to cluster headaches.

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