What are RTO forms 28, 29, 30 and 35 used for?

Section 213(1) of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 has given rise to a special Motor Vehicles Department. This section is applicable throughout the country, and the department undertakes to enforce the various rules and regulations put forth by the said Act.

The Transport Commissioner is the head of the Motor Vehicles Department and carries out all the functions. Different states and cities have their own Regional Transport Offices (RTOs). Every RTO has to carry out all the activities and functions as enshrined in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

The Department of Motor Vehicles is headed by the Transport Commissioner, and each city has its own RTO. RTO issues various forms which you need to fill while selling your old and used cars. Let’s take a look at these different forms and what they do!

Form 28

Under this form, you need a No Objection Certificate (NOC) of your car from the concerned registration authority. This form ensures that you do not have any pending liabilities, which may hinder the sale of your car. This is an indication that there are no current challans, accidents or criminal activities and tax related problems associated with your vehicle. You need at least 3 copies of this form.


Form 29

This form is required when the owner has to inform the RTO that his car has been sold. You need a few (2) copies of this form, and it states that the owner has submitted all relevant documents like RC and insurance to the person who brought the car. Form 29 is available online and at your local Regional Transport Office (RTO).


Form 30

Form 30 is required for confirmation of Form 29. This form is required to request the RTO so that the ownership of the vehicle can be transferred to the new owner at the earliest. This essentially means that all activities and responsibilities related to the car in question are now a headache for the new owner.

This form must be submitted to your local RTO within 14 days of the sale of the vehicle. This form can be downloaded online and is also available at your local RTO. You will need 2 copies of this form to submit.


Form 35

This form is required when your car is financed. This form is essentially a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from your bank, which is required to effectively transfer the ownership of your vehicle.

With the help of this form, the hypothecation of RC gets terminated, and it means that you have paid all the dues from the bank you had taken to buy your vehicle.



When you buy a car, there are certain documents that you need to sign. As per the RTO guidelines, you have to fill a variety of forms, and there are many formalities that you need to complete. Just like when you buy a car, you need to follow a similar process and fill out certain forms that the law requires you to fill out. These forms discussed in the above article are especially for the case when you are planning to sell your used car.

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