What is cooking in Diljit Dosanjh’s kitchen? Take a look at the pictures

Diljit Dosanjh is a jack-of-trade from his adorable acting roles in several Punjabi and Bollywood films to the superhit dance numbers that he sings; He has found more than one way to live in our hearts. His quirky internet presence and sense of humor have made him a sensation among his fans at times. Apart from being a popular superstar, did you know that Diljit is a foodie himself? And not just the kind who loves to eat, but also the kind who loves to cook! If you’re wondering what the singer is cooking in her kitchen, we have the answer for you.

Singer-turned-actor Diljit Dosanjh doesn’t shy away from cooking delicious Indian food at his California home. And this time, he is making a simple tomato curry to serve as the base of the gravy dish. He posted a picture of his creation on his Instagram profile and wrote: “Look at this beauty” and attached a heart-eye emoji on the picture. Check it out here:

Diljit is making tomato dish

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Diljit Dosanjh’s recent cooking session was as much about the spices as it was about the dish. Because on the very next slide, the singer posted another picture of all the condiments he’s been using and addressed them as “my sweethearts.” Looking at his spice collection, we know that Diljit loves everything spicy and savory – as most of the spices in the picture are some form of chili. From cayenne pepper to paprika to a Mexican spice made from dried chilies, Diljit Dosanjh’s spice rack is red and pungent. See picture here:


Diljit uses these chilli spices in cooking

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Diljit Dosanjh surely loves a good summer quotient in his meals! What are your favorite chili spices to use in cooking? Let us know in the comments below.


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