What is norovirus? ‘Infectious but easy to treat’ stomach bug infects 2 in Kerala

New Delhi: As COVID is under control in India, two cases of norovirus – associated with diarrhea and vomiting – have Kerala has created concern. Although this is not the first time the virus has come detected In the southern state, it is the high level of infectivity that is cause for alarm, as is the fact that both the cases reported so far are children.

Central government Asked Kerala State Surveillance Office (SSO) monday To submit a detailed report on the state’s norovirus cases. Meanwhile, the highly contagious nature of the virus inspired to The state government urges the public to maintain good hygiene.

“Two children have been diagnosed with norovirus infection and their health condition is stable. There is no need to worry at the moment but everyone should be careful and take care of cleanliness. PTI Cited Kerala Health Minister Veena George has said.

Fresh cases come a year after Kerala recorded first outbreak of norovirus June 2021 When 950 cases of acute diarrheal diseases in Alappuzha and surrounding municipalities were linked to the virus.

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‘Winter Vomiting Bug’

Norovirus, also known as the “winter vomiting bug”, causes acute gastroenteritis — inflammation of the stomach and intestines — and is Associated with vomiting and diarrhea.

According to the National Health Service, Scotland, it is called A winter bug because it is more common in winter, although you can catch it any time of year.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), One Estimated Globally, 685 million (685 million) cases of norovirus are reported each year – including 200 million (200 million) in children under the age of 5.

It causes an estimated 200,000 deaths – including 50,000 children. the casualties are high In low income countries.

WHO Estimate Put health care costs and economic losses due to the virus at $60 billion globally.

Since it belongs to the family of viruses, it is possible Contract Infection multiple times in one’s lifetime.

What are the symptoms?

Apart from stomach related SymptomsPatients infected with the virus may also have high temperature, body aches and headache.

The incubation period for the virus is short – about 1-2 days. The pathogen is known to be highly infectious, although estimates of its infectivity – calculated as an R value – vary widely.

R value, denoted as ‘R’0′, The basic is the reproduction rate or reproduction number that represents the degree of infectivity of a virus. This is an estimate of how many people an infected person can spread the virus to. For example, an R value of 1 means that each infected person can infected another person. An R0 of less than 1 means that a disease will not progress to epidemic proportions,

“However, we found that the values ​​of the original reproduction number for norovirus varied widely, ranging from 1.1 to 7.2. In general, the population-based estimate of R0 There are about 2, with higher values ​​estimated for particular outbreaks.” researchers In a 2018 article in the journal from the University of Cambridge wrote epidemiology and infection,

What happened in Kerala and how the virus is treated

Kerala’s latest cases were detected Among two students of a government upper primary school at Kayamkulam in Alappuzha district. Both were admitted to the hospital on Saturday, which doctors first suspected to be a case of food poisoning.

Last year’s outbreak, also in June, walked a month and a half, Outlook Reported on Monday. The report also quoted Kerala government officials as saying that 92 percent Norovirus patients only needed outpatient care during the last outbreak last year.

Norovirus is spread through direct contact with an infected person, through infected food, and also if a person touches a contaminated surface and then puts their hands in their mouth without washing them.

The most important aspect of treating norovirus infection is prevent dehydration, It is important to replenish the water lost by the body due to diarrhea and vomiting.

Patients need to drink plenty of fluids and may also be given an oral rehydration solution. There is no specific medicine to treat the disease. In children, crying can often be a sign of dehydration, as can a drastic decrease in the amount of urine.

(Edited by Uttara Ramaswamy)

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