What is Pashmak? A short but sweet introduction to this ‘Iranian candy floss’

We all recognize candy floss—this delightful treat reminds us of fun fairs and the good old days (when we didn’t have to worry about sugar intake). All over the world, you can find many sweets that resemble cotton candy in more ways than one. Famous among them is pashmak, a traditional sweet commonly known as ‘Iranian cotton candy’. However, pashmak is much more than candy floss—its wispy, thread-like consistency and subtle flavor are a testament to the skill and patience of its makers. Pashmak is often added on top of other sweets as an excellent garnish. In Iran, you can see it on top of pudding and ice cream.

History of Pashmak

The word “pashmak” means “wool” in Farsi, a nod to the soft white strands of this dish. This dessert, which is dense and light at the same time, fills you with inner warmth, making its name all the more apt. Pashmak is believed to have originated in the historical city of Yazd; A place famous for its sweet treats. The Iranian delicacy is often thought to be a distant counterpart of the dragon’s beard. candy, a Chinese dish and our very own Son Papdi. Closer to home, pashmak is often compared to pishmaniye from neighboring Turkey, which is a similar dessert. In Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkey and surrounding regions, pashmak may be served with nuts, melon and pomegranate on Yalda night. This is a festival celebrated on the winter solstice since ancient times.

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On the night of Yalda, pashmak can be served with nuts, watermelon and pomegranate. Photo Credit: Photo: iStock

How to make pashmak at home

While candy floss requires a special spinning drum, it is possible to make pashmak without any fancy equipment. Although many pashmak makers today use machinery to facilitate the process, the dessert was traditionally made without it. You too can make this awesome Sweet Right in your own kitchen.

Start by dissolving the sugar in water. Keep this syrup on the flame and add vinegar after the water starts boiling. Keep stirring and let the mixture thicken. Grease a tray with you and keep it ready. When the mixture becomes thick enough, put it in a tray and let it cool and then start kneading it.

(Also Read: Soan Papdi: The Complex Indian Candy Floss,


You too can make this mouth-watering dessert in your own kitchen. Photo Credit: Photo: iStock

Pour the flour into the oil in a pan and fry while stirring well. You can also add small amounts of food coloring and/or flavoring extracts to the pan. Pashmak is typically flavored with sesame seeds, cardamom, rose water, saffron, orange blossom, pistachio, or vanilla. Pour the flour mixture in a tray and then place the sugar mixture on it. Stretch and roll the dough into a figure 8 (or infinity sign). This makes it easy to knead and get thread-like shapes. Keep stretching and kneading the dough in this manner until it turns into a delicate, silky thread.

Your pashmak is ready. You can garnish it with saffron and pistachios for more flavor. You can also add it as a decorative element on top of your ice cream and cakes.

For the full recipe of pashmak, Click here,

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