What is stopping the state from reducing VAT on petrol, diesel, asks Veeraraju

BJP state president Somu Veeraraju said on Sunday that the government’s financial position has collapsed.

Instead of making the necessary course corrections, it resorted to mud-slinging at the Centre, which was evident from the “false claims” made by it regarding VAT on petrol and diesel, Mr. Veeraraju said while addressing. State office bearers of Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) met here.

He insisted that the state government has scope to reduce the local tax on petrol and diesel in view of the cut in excise duty by the Centre, but cited various excuses for not doing something that was within its jurisdiction.

Mr Veeraraju questioned what prevented the Andhra Pradesh government from reducing VAT on petrol and diesel when several states did so, and objected to the state “spreading lies” on the matter.

He insisted that the Center had come to the rescue of AP during the COVID-19 crisis and at other times, but the state was on a task to malign the image of the central government from the day it came to power.

He alleged that the YSRCP had promised at the time of elections that it would try to achieve special category status (SCS) and take forward the capital project and later completely ignore them.

He said the national highway network in AP was strengthened by the Centre, which had given Rs 2,500 crore for the development of Amaravati and facilitated the approval of loans worth Rs 4,700 crore. He said that the state government has to give an explanation for all its failures.
