What is the K-pop diet and how can you follow it?

The K-pop diet, as the name suggests, is a diet popularized by South Korean pop stars. The diet is based on traditional staples of Korean cuisine. At its core, the K-pop diet relies primarily on whole, minimally-processed foods and minimizes the intake of processed, fat-rich or sugary foods.

You will see Korean pop stars eating them to their heart’s content as they consume traditional Korean foods that focus heavily on fermented foods such as fruits, soy, steamed vegetables, rice, fish and kimchi.

According to Healthline, the diet promises to help you lose weight and keep it off by modifying diet and exercise habits, without compromising on tasty foods. It is also believed that the K-pop diet can also clear your skin and optimize your long-term health. However, to see the full effect of the K-pop diet, Idols emphasizes exercise and even follows a specific K-pop workout, reports Healthline.

The complete structure of a proper K-pop diet is as follows:

low fat: Korean food does not include fried and heavy fatty foods. So steaming will be necessary for cooking vegetables and even meats.

Minimize Processed Foods: Instead of consuming frozen food, the K-pop diet relies on cooking and getting meals and snacks from home, not from a bag or box.

no sugar: This can be the hardest part of the diet if you have a sweet tooth. The K-pop diet prohibits you from consuming soda, candy, chocolate and foods that contain added sugar.

Fermented Foods Daily: Fermented foods are an essential part of the Korean diet. Foods such as kimchi, miso, tempeh help promote gut health and can include pickled vegetables such as cabbage.

More Chicken and Fish, Less Red Meat: A Korean diet also includes red meat, although the K-pop diet focuses more on chicken and fish as animal proteins.

Soy-rich foods: Whole soy foods like tofu, edamame can be included in the diet.

work out: The last and most important part of this diet is daily physical activity.

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