What is the message of the CPC Congress of China’s technical self-reliance to the world?

China is far behind Taiwan, South Korea and the United States in its ability to manufacture the most advanced semiconductor chips. Still, the threat posed by Chinese access to these high-tech chips through Western suppliers and their potential use in military applications was serious enough for US President Joe Biden to announce significant export controls on October 7. The new rules prevent exports to China not only of equipment used to make high-end semiconductor chips, but also from exports of all-American components to chip makers in China.

Americans involved in the production of advanced semiconductors in China now face similar sanctions on their work in the nuclear, biological and missile proliferation sectors. Unsurprisingly, this has led to the almost immediate exodus of many Americans from China, including Chinese Americans working for Chinese chip makers. Under its Made in China 2025 industrial program, the Chinese party-state has no shortage of financial resources to pursue its high-tech ambitions. What it lacks, however, is the required human resources. Therefore, the Biden administration’s move is, at least in the short term, a potential physical blow to China’s high-tech ambitions.

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On the eve of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which got underway on Sunday, the US action in Beijing will be read as further confirmation that the US is trying to stop and block China’s development. ready to do. The road to prosperity and global technological leadership. If the report presented by General Secretary Xi Jinping to the Congress is anything to go by, the CPC seems to have been preparing for this event for some time now.

It is no coincidence that, for the first time, in the latest CPC Congress report, a separate section and a specific sub-section dedicated to “Activating China through Science and Education and Developing a Strong Workforce for the Modernization Campaign” Is. “Improving systems for scientific and technological innovation”. But before Xi fell into these sections, he declared that China had “intensified efforts to build our self-reliance and strength in science and technology, with nationwide R&D spending exceeding 1 trillion yuan (about $140 billion).” 2.8 trillion yuan (about $390 billion), the second largest in the world.” There is also a special attempt to express an important point – “Our country is now home to the largest group of R&D personnel in the world is” – in fact one of the realities America has demanded change.

In fact, it has been explicitly declared, as part of the “mission and tasks of the Communist Party of China”, that China “join the ranks of the world’s most innovative countries with great self-reliance and strength in science and technology”. Gaya” (19). Along with the seriousness of the “great” goal, China wants to reduce the distance between itself and the competition.

Meanwhile, a comprehensive program of civil-military integration is underway in China. In most countries it is simply about greater coordination between civil and military authorities and an effort to prevent wastage of resources. In China, however, the concept is somewhat more advanced and society- and economy-wide influence is captured in a more accurate translation of the concept as “military-civilian fusion”. This reality then provides a new perspective on the Chinese declarations in the 20th. Congressional Report About “Shares”[ing] resources and production factors between the military and civilian sectors” or the desire to “promote China’s strength in strategic science and technology.” Therefore, the US and other Western countries have semiconductors or other high-end semiconductors exported to or transferred to China. There is ample reason to worry about the technology’s potential military use.

However, setbacks with the US/West have not deterred China’s ambitions to internationalize its science and technology prowess and profit from such exposure. The report announced that China would “expand science and technology exchanges and cooperation with other countries, creating an international environment for research. However, records show that such exchanges and There are inevitably costs to the countries hosting the technology – Chinese enterprises dominate the market in underdeveloped or developing countries and potentially steal technology or buy out technology firms in the case of developed countries. And in all cases, Chinese surveillance. Data security and privacy of foreign nationals are threatened as a party-state through the deployment of technology.Shakti strives to build a database of scale to advance its security interests around the world along with artificial intelligence applications. Is.

China’s pursuit of technical self-sufficiency is being carefully monitored.

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