What RSS chief Bhagwat has to say about the 1,000-year ‘war’ of Hindus, Indian Muslims and LGBTQ rights

New Delhi: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat has said the “new aggression in Hindu society” is because “Hindu society has been at war for more than 1,000 years” and that “it is natural for warring people to be aggressive”. He said, “The Sangh has offered its support to the cause, as have others. There are many who have spoken about it. And it is because of all these that the Hindu society has awakened.

Making it clear that “the war is not against the enemy without, but against the enemy within”. Sarsanghchalak Said that Muslims in India have “nothing to fear” but they should “give up their lofty rhetoric of supremacism”.

Bhagwat (72) made this remark in a interview With editors of Hindi magazine affiliated with RSS fifth generation and RSS affiliated English weekly Organizer, In the interview, she expressed her opinion on Hindu society and culture, politics, a place for the LGBTQ community, and the Sangh’s plans to increase women’s participation.

It is being claimed that “a war is going on to protect Hindu society, Hindu Religion and Hindu culture”, the RSS chief said foreign invaders are no longer here, “foreign influence and foreign conspiracies continue”.

“Since this is a war, there are chances of people getting over-enthusiastic. Though it is not desirable, inflammatory statements will be made,” he said.

However, Bhagwat cautioned that Hindu society would do no good to remain at war and that Hindus should change their language and discourse according to the circumstances. “When we have gained enough strength, we must be clear about our priorities for the future. Being always in fighting mode will do us no good.’

Citing the example of Italian unification icon Giuseppe Garibaldi, Bhagwat said that Garibaldi led his men in battle but wanted to lead others after the fighting stopped.

“When they (the Italians) had to choose an emperor, Garibaldi refused and said it should go to someone else. Of the three leaders who rose to prominence during the Rise of Italy, Garibaldi led on the battlefield. did. However, in the end, he distanced himself… Hindustan is a Hindu Nation, This prosperous and powerful Hindu society, India, will rise to the pinnacle of its glory and provide leadership to the world.

Bhagwat, what has been done Sarsanghchalak Since 2009, has said, “There is no harm to Muslims living in India today” and they can follow their faith if they wish. “If they want to return to the faith of their ancestors, they can. It’s entirely their choice.”

However, he added that Indian Muslims “must give up the narrative” that they “are of a higher caste” that “ruled this land once and will rule again”, or that only their way is correct and ” Everyone else is wrong”.

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LGBTQ Rights and the Transgender Community

On the issue of LGBTQ rights, Bhagwat said that members of the community “also have a right to live” and that “without much hue and cry, we have found a way to provide them social acceptance, with a humane approach”. bearing in mind that they as well as human beings have the inalienable right to life.”

“We want them to have their own personal space and to feel that they are also a part of the society,” he said.

Homosexuality is “as long as humans exist”, the union prominent He further added, “Since I am a veterinary doctor, I know that such symptoms are also found in animals. It is biological, a way of life.

quoting a story from Mahabharata to suggest that demon king jarasandhacommander of Swan And larva – were in a homosexual relationship, Bhagwat said “LGBTs have the same problem”.

“When Dark woman spread rumors larva Dead, Swan Committed suicide like this Dark woman Got rid of those two generals. Think about it, what does the story suggest? This is the same thing. The two generals were in that kind of relationship,” he said.

Bhagwat also said that there is a transgender community in India and the Sangh “does not see it as a problem”. Members of the transgender community, he said, are “a sect and their own deity”.

“Today, they have their Mahamandaleshwar as well. They are given a special place during Kumbh. They are part of our everyday life,” he said.

Emphasis on increasing the participation of women

Bhagwat told fifth generation Editor Hitesh Shankar and Organizer Editor Prafulla Ketkar said that the participation of women within the Sangh has increased, which means that the process of accommodating more women is on the cards. volunteers (RSS members) are encouraged not to dissuade women who are keen about the Sangh, he said.

“Now, we’ve started telling our workers (cadres) that if such women come to us before taking any concrete steps in this direction, we should not ask them to leave. Committee, because to this day, Committee don’t have that much strength (in terms of the branches And volunteer,

established in 1936 Rashtra Sevika Samiti RSS has a parallel organisation, but only for women.

“We have to find a way to accommodate them (women). We should think about it. In the days of Dr. Sahib (RSS founder) KB Hedgewar), the situation was not favorable enough to think about it, but today we can think about it,” he said.

saying that “there are some places where even school and college going girls the branches”, Bhagwat said, “Today, we do not tell them that this is not for you. We encourage them to form a separate group and observe minimum distance during Prayer (Prayer). or read the committee Prayer, We are doing such things. But, how to formalize it, we still have to think. We will definitely have to and we will do it soon,” he said.

Pranab Da will listen to us

Talking about the role of RSS in politics, the Sarsanghchalak Said organization has kept distance from day-to-day politics, but always engages on political issues that are related to national policies and interests of Hindus. “We’re not concerned with the day-to-day politics, but we’re definitely involved national policy (National policy). We have our own opinion about it. Today, as we have gained enough strength (through organizational network), we try to use it in the national interest and we will certainly do so.

Bhagwat also underlined a major difference between now and earlier, pointing out that volunteers were not in positions of political power in previous decades.

“People forget that volunteers Some have reached political positions through a political party. Sangh keeps on organizing the society for the sake of organization. however, whatever volunteers Sangh is held responsible for what they do in politics. Even if we are not directly implicated by others, there is certainly some accountability; After all, it is in the Union where volunteers are trained. So, we are forced to think – what should be our relationship, what should we pursue passionately (in the national interest).

The RSS chief said that when approached by people facing hardship as a result of political developments, the Sangh can bring the issue to the notice of the people concerned, as long as the people concerned volunteers,

Recalling the Sangh’s association with former President late Pranab Mukherjee during the Congress veteran’s tenure as Union Finance Minister in UPA-II, Bhagwat said, “Pranab Da He was the finance minister in the Congress government. He was also looking after Nepal affairs. We used to take our concerns to him. And he will listen to us too. That’s all we do. Otherwise, we have no business in other areas of active politics.”

(Editing by Amritansh Arora)

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