What to Know About Getting a Job in Cyber ​​Security

The field of cyber security can seem like a goldmine for job seekers. It has more than 750,000 job openings, and salaries can range from about $86,000 for a junior position to more than $160,000 for a senior position, a scan of job postings shows.

But this field is so new that many job seekers have no idea what kind of skills or degrees are required or what types of jobs are available.

To learn more, The Wall Street Journal interviewed Sandra Blankey, an associate professor and director of cybersecurity education and cyber intelligence at the University of Dallas’ Satish and Yasmin Gupta College of Business. The edited excerpts are as follows:

where are the jobs

WSJ: How can people find out what types of cyber jobs are available and how much they pay?

Pro blank: cyber seek [a website supported by the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education] Shows the total number of job openings in the US and how much cyber jobs pay. It also lists what skills and education credentials are required for certain jobs, and which organizations offer cyber certifications and degrees.

WSJ: Do you need a bachelor’s degree to work in cyber security?

Pro blank: Smaller companies with fewer resources may hire someone without a two- or four-year degree, but the candidate will still need some sort of training or certification and practical experience. Large companies are going to be looking for someone with a two or four year degree as well as practical experience and certifications.

WSJ: Is there anything inexperienced cyber-security job seekers should know?

Pro blank: When employers write job posts for entry-level positions, they often ask for advanced certifications designed for more experienced professionals. They may also ask for a few years of relevant work experience. But don’t let the inexperienced job seekers get intimidated.

Cyber ​​contests, internships and volunteer positions may qualify as practical experience.

WSJ: Should graduate students major in cyber security if they want to work in this field?

Pro blank: If students know they are interested in cyber security, they should pursue a cyber security degree. A cyber degree should cover these specific areas: information and operations security, vulnerability assessment, digital forensics, penetration testing, risk management, network security, data analysis, cyber security analysis, and compliance. It is also important to have practical experience in a laboratory or with an employer.

Undergraduates should also take up cyber competitions to find out how their knowledge stacks up against their peers.

center of excellence

WSJ: How does one find the best schools when it comes to cyber degrees and credentials?

Pro blank: The National Security Agency and the Cyber ​​Security and Infrastructure Security Agency have designated several hundred colleges and universities as National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber ​​Security. Agencies audit them every five years, so their curriculum remains current.

WSJ: What do working professionals think about getting into or moving into this field?

Pro blank: There are cyber security certifications that allow professionals with an IT or cyber background to hone their skills and apply for higher-level jobs within or outside their organization. Boot camps can help professionals review material for certification exams and assist them in finding additional work experience if needed. Many companies are willing to pay for boot camps and certifications because skilled cyber professionals are hard to find.

Other professionals looking to make a career change may seek certifications such as CompTIA Security+, or even graduate degrees.

WSJ: Is technical expertise necessary to work in cyber security?

Pro blank: Not necessarily. Professionals are needed to keep up with the latest trends in cyber security and cybercrimes, and ensure company procedures are up to date and teach employees about the latest threats. For these types of positions, hiring managers may seek professionals with business, marketing or human-resources backgrounds, or even education backgrounds. Written and oral communication and research skills are important.