What you should consider before deciding to get a pet dog

There’s nothing like coming home from a stressful day at work, only to be greeted enthusiastically by your canine friend who wants to mingle with you. Dogs, or any pet for that matter, are great companions and have been known to reduce stress. During the pandemic, many people succumbed to the need for an animal friend, and dog ownership skyrocketed.

If you’re planning on adding a new canine member to your family, there are a few things to keep in mind. We all know that taking care of dogs is not that easy and if you cannot take care of it, then it is not worth taking care of dogs. Make sure to keep the following points in mind before making a decision.

Dogs Need Company: It is essential to walk and play with your dog or be involved in other activities for at least two hours a day. Also, dogs are prone to separation anxiety if they are left alone for too long and need company for large parts of the day. If it needs to be left alone at home for some time, you will need to gradually train your dog for this. Note that some dogs are easier to train than others.

long term commitment: Having a dog is a long-term commitment. The average life expectancy of a dog is around 10-15 years and during that time they are your responsibility. Having a dog may require you to change your lifestyle and you have to be prepared to do so. If you go out a lot, you can either take the dog along or arrange for dog sitting in your absence. Also, dogs are money burners regardless of breed. Dog care requires money and you have to be prepared to spend

Persona: People usually go for dogs that are physically attractive or cute but pet owners report feeling better about their pets when their behavior matches their own personality characteristics. For example, dog owners were happier when they felt their pets displayed similar heat levels to theirs.

Socialization and Training Needs: Puppies or rescue dogs need to be trained for socialization so that they are not intimidated, intimidated or challenged by other people or animals. Introduce them to more people or other animals as pets when they are young so that they become normal to strangers. Also, puppies need to be toilet trained and taught to obey so that one day they can walk without a leash.

Breed selection: This is an important consideration. Some breeds demand three to four hours of daily activity, so if you prefer lazy days in front of the TV or have limited time due to job or family obligations, they are unlikely to be a good fit. If you live in an area with a lot of animals – or domestic cats – you will need to keep your hunting dogs under strict control. These hereditary traits in dogs cannot be eradicated, so it is important to do your research on the many different breeds and choose a dog that best suits your lifestyle.

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