WhatsApp now has this useful feature for video calls on iPhone: All the details

Last Update: December 05, 2022, 18:27 IST

New feature for iOS users

This feature is currently available in beta version for iOS and will be made public soon.

WhatsApp has started rolling out picture-in-picture mode for video calls in iOS beta.

As WABetaInfo reports, the new feature was available to some beta testers who installed the iOS update for iOS

It allows users to use other applications while video calling on WhatsApp.

When you multitask with other apps, the picture-in-picture view will appear immediately if the capability is enabled for your account.

Users can also choose to temporarily disable the video call view as it involves the use of the official iOS API (Application Programming Interface).

This is likely to be functional only on iOS 16.1 and above, so it could be one of the features that will be enabled by an update that adds official support for iOS 16.

The report states that the new feature will be rolled out to more users in the coming days.

Meanwhile, last week, the messaging platform offered a new feature to some beta testers on iOS that lets users search messages by date.

The feature allows users to easily jump to a certain date within a conversation.

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