WhatsApp scam: Beware of Heineken Beer Father’s Day message

WhatsApp Fraud: Users of Messenger application giant, WhatsApp, need to be wary of the message ‘Heineken Bear Father’s Day Contest 2022’ that is circulating and trying to fool users into clicking on attached website links Used to be.

this year, father’s Day It will be celebrated on 19th June.

The contest message is giving users a chance to win a free crate of beer, however, users are asked to click on a link to apply to the contest. The danger is that users’ personal information is at risk because of the catchy messaging.

According to the report of Hindustan News Hub, a message has come to many people on WhatsApp these days, in which it was told that ‘via’heineken Beer Father’s Day Contest 2022 ‘You can win 5000 bottles of beer for your father.

The message contains a picture of a crate full of beer bottles and a link to a website for users to participate in the contest.

Furthermore, the report states that online fraud website Online Alert has cautioned users not to click on this link at all as doing so will land the user on a phishing website that will steal all their personal information.

Also, the report mentions that Heineken has clarified the message, calling it a ‘forgery’ and that no such ‘competition’ has been started on their part.

On Wednesday, WhatsApp introduced new options for privacy control settings.

The app said on its website, “The security of you and your messages is what matters to us. We want you to learn about the tools and features we’ve designed to help you stay safe when using WhatsApp.” Is.”

When blocking or reporting contacts and messages, WhatsApp guides users to report problematic content and contacts.

WhatsApp said users can control who they interact with by blocking specific contacts or reporting messages or contacts to WhatsApp. When a user views a photo or video once, he can report the account to WhatsApp directly from the media viewer.

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