WhatsApp starts Reactions, Mark Zuckerberg shares story

WhatsApp is rolling out the Quick Reaction feature. Initially the receiver can reply to a message with the help of six emoji; Like, love, laughter, surprise, sadness and thanks. The instant messaging app may add more emoji, skin tones and other features in future updates. Quick Responses are similar to Facebook, Messenger or Instagram.

Meta-owned company is testing it reactions It was also announced during the long unveiling of Features and Communities. Today, META’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg came to know about this feedback feature through a instagram story,

The Quick Reaction feature works by long-pressing on a particular chat. You can then select the emoji according to the theme of the message and respond quickly. It is nothing but a time-saver. For example if we want to laugh we usually type…hahaha…but with quick response emoji the task becomes simple and just a long press away. Reactions will add emotion to the chat.

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