When is Vijaya Ekadashi 2024? Know date, timings, significance and rituals

Image Source : FILE IMAGE Vijaya Ekadashi 2024: Date, significance and more

Vijaya Ekadashi is a sacred Hindu observance dedicated to Lord Vishnu, one of the principal deities in Hinduism. It falls on the eleventh day of the waning phase of the moon (Ekadashi) in the Hindu lunar month of Phalguna. Devotees believe that observing Vijaya Ekadashi brings victory, success, and spiritual upliftment. It is considered highly auspicious and is celebrated with fasting and prayers. The word “Vijaya” means victory, and devotees seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu for triumph over obstacles and challenges in their lives. The day holds deep significance in Hindu culture and is observed with devotion and reverence. Let’s delve into the details of this auspicious occasion, including the date, rituals, puja timings and significance

Vijaya Ekadashi 2024: Date and Timings

Vijaya Ekadashi 2024 Date: March 6, 2024

Ekadashi tithi begins: 06:30 AM on March 6, 2024

Ekadashi tithi ends: 04:13 AM on March 7, 2024

Parana time: 01:43 PM to 04:04 PM on March 7, 2024

Vijaya Ekadashi 2024: Significance

Victory over evil: The name ‘Vijaya’ translates to ‘victory.’ Observing this Ekadashi is believed to bestow upon devotees the strength to overcome challenges and emerge victorious in all aspects of life.

Blessings of Lord Vishnu: By observing the fast and performing pujas, devotees seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe. He is believed to shower his grace upon those who observe this holy day with devotion.

Spiritual purification: Ekadashis are considered auspicious days for introspection and spiritual cleansing. Observing the fast and engaging in devotional activities helps devotees purify their minds and souls.

Vijaya Ekadashi 2024: Rituals

  • Sunrise on March 6th marks the commencement of the puja muhurat, which is the auspicious time for worship.
  • Devotees typically wake up early, take a holy bath, and wear clean clothes.
  • A puja mandap is prepared, and an idol of Lord Vishnu is placed.
  • The idol is adorned with flowers, offered fruits and sweets as prasad, and prayers are chanted.
  • Devotees maintain a strict fast throughout the day but those who are unable to stay empty stomach can consume only water or fruits and vegetables.
  • On the following day (March 7th), the fast is broken (parana) after sunrise during the designated parana time.