When the incident happens in Delhi after 11 days, it happens 24 hours a day.

The number of active cases in Delhi is 290.

New Delhi:

Along with the country, the cases of corona are also increasing the concern. In Delhi (Delhi Corona case) there is a death of 24 hours. 11 Later this happened for the first time in Delhi. The post-diabetes population data was obtained at 25,096. There have been 24 hours corona cases in Delhi. The total number of corona virus data is 14,40834
has gone.

this also further

Number of activated 290. 121 patients in operation in the hospital. The rate of active corona is 0.02. Rate Rate 98. You have been contacted. 24 hours (total figures) 37 patients, 14,15,448.

On air pollution to walk on the air route

The tweet is about the corona (coronavirus) infection rate in Delhi. New Delhi . Has been bothered to treat during treatment. The infected rate of corona infection is 98.23. There is a patient in the patient of corona in 24 hours. 59,651 tests were conducted in this 24 hours. Shu’s total figure is 3,07,71,811 tests 49,102 RTPCR and 10,549 physical mass tests. Delhi’s number of containment is 113 and corona date is at 1.74.

There are corona infections in Karnataka. In between, new dangerous enemies of Kovid-19 are like this. Meeting To review the meeting. For Karnataka state contact. ️ Kerala

Delhi Atomic: Even once in 24 hours there is a test

Delhi after Corona
