Where is your body fat stored? Tips to reduce belly fat, follow diet

Reduce belly fat: You may have heard that losing weight is easy for some people and difficult for others and while this may be true we tend to overlook the fact that how and where fat is stored in our body. Different fats are stored in different places in our body and each has different effects on the body, each of these types of fat requires exercise and a healthy diet to eliminate or reduce the deposits Could

There are three types of fat stored in our body:

1. Belly Fat: Belly fat.

2. Subcutaneous fat: The fat that covers the outer layer of the skin.

3. Visceral Fat: The fat that covers the internal organs.

So when we exercise, our body fat is broken down to generate energy to perform daily activities and just to survive. All fat gets stored once the required energy is generated but it is not as simple as it sounds. This is one reason why a healthy diet that is high in protein, good fats and fiber should be consumed.

Here is the diet plan along with exercise routine that lasts for 30 days:

Breakfast- One bowl of upma or poha.

Mid-morning snack- Choose a seasonal fruit or apple or orange.

Lunch – 2 bowls of cooked vegetables, one bowl of curd and 1 roti.

Snack- One scoop of whey protein (any one that suits your body and budget) and a banana.

Dinner – Grilled paneer, 2 bowls of dal and one bowl of sabzi (cooked veggie dish).

Drink at least 4-5 liters of water daily. Additionally, exercise or walk for at least 20-30 minutes.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information and is not a substitute for expert advice. Zee News does not endorse it.)