White House Holding Roundtable on Big Tech Concerns

Last Update: September 08, 2022, 21:03 IST

Big tech firms are facing more scrutiny

The White House is holding a roundtable on Thursday on a range of technical issues, including hearing from experts in antitrust, privacy, algorithmic discrimination and other areas of technical policy, a senior administration official said on Twitter.

WASHINGTON: The White House is holding a roundtable on Thursday on a range of technical issues, including hearing from experts on mistrust, privacy, algorithmic discrimination and other areas of technical policy, a senior administration official said on Twitter.

White House competition adviser Tim Wu confirmed the meeting previously reported by Axios on Twitter.


A familiar source told Reuters that the meeting is attended by senior officials from several White House offices and is “focused on addressing problems with the accountability of the technical forum.”

The meeting is reviewing a variety of areas, including “competition; privacy; youth mental health; misinformation and disinformation; illegal and abusive conduct, including sexual abuse; and algorithmic discrimination and lack of transparency.”

Congress is considering a bill to rein in Big Tech. Supporters are pressing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to schedule a vote on the bill, which would ban self-preference by big tech platforms like Amazon.com and Alphabet’s Google.

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