WHO asks Ukraine to destroy all pathogens fearing biochemical attack from Russia

WHO has asked Ukraine to destroy all pathogens in its laboratories to avoid leakage or spread of a pathogen that could worsen the already existing pandemic situation in the world.

WHO has asked Ukraine to destroy all pathogens in its laboratories to avoid leakage or spread of a pathogen that could worsen the already existing pandemic situation in the world. (Photo: AP/FILE)

With no sign of a ceasefire, the World Health Organization (WHO) told Ukraine not to take any chances and destroy all pathogens in its laboratories. There are growing fears and concerns that another leak of a pathogen could worsen the already existing pandemic situation in the world.

The idea behind destroying all pathogens is to stop the spread. Can cause disease or serve as a biological weapon in the hands of the Russians.

The threat of biological warfare or the use of chemical weapons is very real. It all started with Russia accusing Ukraine and the United States of harboring chemical weapons, a claim backed by China.

The White House dismissed the allegations as baseless. Addressing the media, White House press secretary Jen Psaki denied all claims made by Russia, calling it “laughable”.

Instead, the US warned that Russia itself could use these weapons and lay the blame on the East and Ukraine. the world is on tenterhook Dangerous maneuvers were given at both ends.

This fear goes double that Russia has been accused in the past of using biological weapons against Putin’s arch rivals like Alexei Navalny and in the Syrian war.

Russia has a track record and stockpile of using biochemical weapons such as nerve agents.

Are these classified as biological weapons?

Microorganisms such as anthrax
-botulinum toxin

WHO states that biological weapons are microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, or other toxins that are intentionally generated and released to cause disease and death in humans, animals, or plants.

Since bioterrorism attacks can also result in pandemics, the WHO issued a word of caution.