Who is Neeraj Bishnoi? Investigations into character of Bulli Bai ‘mastermind’ revealed

Bully by ‘mastermind’ a ‘porn-addict, had sexual material on laptop, first website hacked at 16’

According to Delhi Police sources, data found on 20-year-old Neeraj Bishnoi’s laptop includes 153 porn film downloads, and suggests that he has ‘unusual desires for Muslim women older than himself’. bismi taskeen,

Covaxin dose 86% effective against symptomatic re-infection in healthcare workers: AIIMS study

The study, first of its kind in India, looked at re-infection rates among 4,978 healthcare workers who tested positive for COVID between 3 March 2020 and 18 June 2021, reports Mohana Basu,

Not just Gujarat: Modi’s star IAS, IPS, IFS officers earned under PM Manmohan

Vini Mahajan’s appointment as secretary in the Jal Shakti ministry is one of the criticisms that Modi has relied heavily on the confidants acting as Gujarat CM, reports madhuparna maid,

The economist is wrong. Brahmins become CEOs in America not because of quota in India

Indian CEOs, Mostly Brahmins, May Be a ‘Minority’ in America, But They Are Beneficiaries of the New American ‘Caste System’, Writes Dilip Mandal,

Does eating eggs cause diabetes? A new study has made such a claim but this is the complete picture.

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods that provide the best quality protein, all the essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. This high-protein food is a must in a low-carb diet, writes Subhashree Rai,

Japan-Australia pact shows India in Quad can go ahead without others

India perpetuates the illusion that more partners are better than deeper partnerships. This makes it difficult to strike a regional balance against China, writes Rajesh Rajagopalan,

Read my lips, I’m in pain, says Pakistan’s national security policy. What does this mean for India

The new policy is mostly husk, but it reveals the most inward looking Pakistan in 3 decades. It needs breathing space, and it is feeling the loss of stature and friendship with America, writes Shekhar Gupta In this week’s ‘National Interest’.