WHO moves to strengthen global health security with new amendments

New Delhi: State parties to the International Health Regulations (2005) are nearing an agreement on a package of amendments to strengthen the global community’s ability to prevent and respond to future public health emergencies, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said in a statement.

The agreement, which was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will help improve the international response to public health emergencies by enhancing early warning and detection, strengthening human resource capacity, and increasing financial preparedness, it added.

The resumed eighth meeting will focus on the finalization of the package of amendments and its submission to the World Health Assembly for consideration in May.

The package of amendments to the International Health Regulations is a significant step forward in strengthening the global community’s ability to prevent and respond to future public health emergencies.

It is also expected to make the International Health Regulations more comprehensive, user-friendly, and adaptable to a changing world.